Sunday, December 2, 2012

Obviously I use this thing a lot

Realized, as I was adding a few new authors to this thing, that I haven't posted since May of last year. Not that it matters anyway.

I'm not exactly a large internet presence anywhere else lately, unless I'm playing Zynga games.

I need to get back into LJ, DW, etc... I need to do a lot of things. I just haven't.

Never got my new business venture off the ground. I was so close. There is apparently a demand for the virtual assistants, but I haven't found them yet. It just didn't feel right with that possible client, so I let it go. 

I got the business name, I started to design the page, and nothing. Kind of bummed. Wasted an afternoon trying to find my way around downtown for nothing now. Seriously, driving circles, rectangles, really, around downtown Dallas on a weekday is NOT a good time. Trust me.

One day I'll make more out of my life than this. I'm in my 20s, I should be dating, or married, with kids, with a good job. I shouldn't be working part-time trying to figure out how to finish my schooling and how to take care of my mom and make things easier on my dad. I feel like I haven't made anything of myself.

One day, I will. I just wish one day could miraculously be tomorrow.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Right. Because I'm that interesting

I have twitter. Never tweet. LJ, randomly post. Facebook, solely for gaming. Note to self: Go plant crops in FV.

Blogging... just because?